2019 Honda Talon R/X - Cooling Fan Connector Inspection - May 2019

Affected Vehicles:

S2X 1HFVE055 *K4000001 ~ 0194

S2X 1HFVE051 *K4000001 ~ 1682

S2R 1HFVE056 *K4000001 ~ 0320

S2R 1HFVE054 *K4000001 ~ 1922

Safety Recall: 

American Honda is conducting a product update. On some SXS1000S2R/S2X Talon vehicles, the cooling fan connector may be wired incorrectly and cause the cooling fan to run in reverse which can result in engine overheating. Honda is providing this Service Bulletin to explain how to inspect and repair (if necessary) the defect.

An Important Set-Up Notice was issued in April 2019 to inspect and repair (if necessary) the cooling fan connector on some SXS1000S2R/S2X Talon vehicles. At that time, dealerships were instructed to only submit warranty claims for vehicles requiring repair.

If your dealership previously inspected vehicles with properly wired connectors that did not require repair, submit a warranty claim for Inspection using the information in the WARRANTY CLAIM INFORMATION section of this Service Bulletin. If your dealership cannot identify these vehicles, re-inspect and then submit the appropriate warranty claim.


©2019 Honda Motor Co., Inc.

Not sure if you have a recall or not?

Email us your vin # and we can notify you, if your machine has a safety recall. 

Have your recall completed in the off-season when it doesn't cut into to your riding time.  
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